Hi! I've been tryin to connect a 2Port Node to
On PC but it doesn't seem to work.
I've checked IP adress of the Node ( and i've set the IP on my PC to the same range ( I've created a session with that IP, and both
On PC and the Node have the same session IP (1). The session end is fine, i can connect MA3D with no issue. But when i try to "
add present" to the session on the DMX Node tab nothing happens, as if it didn't identify it.
I've checked communication between both ends by ping on the cdm (I am running windows 10) and it seems to be fine, no packages lost, good speed.. Then i tried to open the Node interface in my browser it didn't connect either. I figured it could maybe be something with my browser so i tried to open the router setup interface and it works just fine.
Anyone have any idea what could i do? Am i missing something?
Thanks in advance!