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Re: 3D Models
March 31, 2006 05:05AM
If you can get the exact dimensions[or links to ortho drawings] and pivot points, I can easily create any fixture shape, fairly quickly. I already have some generic standard objects, lights, TomCat truss, ETC Source-4 fixtures lying about...RexHeavyIndustries can hammer just about anything into shape.

I own a license for one 3D game engine[Torque] and MOD in the Source HL2 engine too, so I am very familiar with producing 3D shapes with a hierarchy and skeletal animation...;), too bad MA3D doesn't support .x files[which can contain bones and deforming meshes], as I haven't actually gotten those imported.Here is my personal 3D webpages...
Subject Author Posted
3D Models Morpheus1234 March 08, 2006 05:42AM
Re: 3D Models Rex March 31, 2006 05:05AM
Re: 3D Models Hartmut April 03, 2006 02:33PM
Re: 3D Models Rex April 03, 2006 11:31PM

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